Monday, November 25, 2013

Rating System

When it comes to your preferences, everything is completely subjective.  But there's a reason ratings exist.  Can you imagine movies without the "Two Thumbs Up!" review smacked along with it?  Can you imagine a Yelp review without the star-rating system?  Can you imagine YouTube without the Thumbs Up (Like) or Thumbs Down (Dislike) button? No? Niether can I.  Which is why I am enforcing a strict 1 to 5 Toilet Rating system.  If a bathroom is top notch at CSULB, it will most likely get a 4-5 Toilet rating.  If a bathroom is disgustingly horrible at CSULB, it will most likely get a 1-2 Toilet rating. Average? 3 Toilet rating.  And so on, and so forth.

Yes, I did Google "Cartoon Toilet".

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